Alejandro Lau Profile

Zhuangzi said: "Life has a limit but knowledge hasn't. It's exhausting to chase limitless knowledge within limited time."

Though sometimes feeling very tired, I'm still trying to get to more WHSs. I only visit cultural / mixed WHSs in purpose (if natural WHSs are not that far from the route, why not having a look?) because in my opinion human beings are the most diverse to get to know.

I'm a polyglot with 6 languages fluently spoken and 10+ languages for basic conversation. Speaking local languages makes me go deeper into local culture.

Current mission:

2024-2025 Latin America

2019-ongoing China


2023-2024 SE Asia

2023 Kazakhstan / Uzbekistan

Visited Sites Alejandro Lau

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Alejandro Lau

Xinjiang Tianshan

Alejandro Lau China - 30-Dec-24

Xinjiang Tianshan

(Visited 2022.6 Bayanbulaq & 2023.6 Qarajun-Köldeneng)

I'm not a natural WHS lover but I still decided to write this because it seemed to me that here is lack of information of Bayanbulaq (Bayinbuluke) and Qarajun-Köldeneng (Kalajun-Ku'erdening).

In my opinion all 4 parts of Tengritagh (Tianshan) WHS are equally important because they reflect one of the most important OUV - biodiversity. Tömür(Mountain), Bogda(Lake), Qarajun-Köldeneng(Mountain Grassland-Forest), Bayanbulaq(Basin Grassland), each has their uniqueness.

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Coro and its Port

Alejandro Lau China - 30-Dec-24

Coro and its Port

(Visited 2024.10)

In these years Venezuela seems to be a bit "removed" from the plan of international tourists. After an overnight bus from Caracas we arrived at Coro in early morning. We had some empanadas as our breakfast near the terminal, which is fair and delicious.

After the breakfast we walk ~15 min to the WHS area

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Profile Data

Alejandro Lau
Most Impressive
Plain of Jars, Laos
Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty, China

8 Countries Complete

Cambodia . Chile . El Salvador . Guatemala . Laos . Myanmar . Nicaragua . Singapore .

Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Bagan 5
Copán 5
Hoi An 5
Hué 5
Macao 5
My Son 5
Uxmal 5
Kulangsu 4.5
Chavin 4
Potosi 4
Prambanan 3.5
Puebla 3.5
Cuzco 3
Lima 3
Campeche 2.5
Kandy 2.5
Sucre 2.5
Vat Phou 2.5
Vigan 2
  1. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  2. Ancient Residences in Shanxi and Shaanxi Provinces (T)
  3. Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (T)
  4. Archaeological Sites of the Ancient Shu State: Site at Jinsha and Joint Tombs of Boat- shaped Coffins in Chengdu City, S (T)
  5. Baquedano Street (T)
  6. Beng Malea Temple (T)
  7. Capital Fortifications of Hanyang : Hangyangdoseong Capital City Wall, Bukhansanseong Mountain Fortress and Tangchundaeseong Defense Wall (T)
  8. Catholic Doctrine Temples (T)
  9. Central Campus of the University of Havana (T)
  10. Centro Histórico de Puebla (extension) (T)
  11. Chapultepec Woods, Hill and Castle (T)
  12. Chinese Section of the Silk Road (T)
  13. Chor-Bakr (T)
  14. City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
  15. City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
  16. Dali Chanshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Scenic Spot (T)
  17. Diaolou Buildings and Villages for Tibetan and Qiang Ethnic Groups (T)
  18. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (T)
  19. El Vedado, ciudad jardín temprana (T)
  20. Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de Cubanacán (T)
  21. Former M-13 prison/ Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (former S-21)/ Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre (former Execution Site of S-21) (T)
  22. Hainan Tropical Rainforest and the Traditional Settlement of Li Ethnic Group (T)
  23. Historic Center of the City of Trujillo (T)
  24. Karakorum-Pamir (T)
  25. La Moneda Palace (T)
  26. Lake Titicaca (T)
  27. Locomotive depot of the Temuco Railroad Station (T)
  28. Malleco Viaduct (T)
  29. Monuments, Sites and Cultural Landscape of Chiang Mai, Capital of Lanna (T)
  30. National Schools of Art, Cubanacan (T)
  31. National Theater of Guatemala (T)
  32. Oc Eo - Ba The archaeological site (T)
  33. Ring of cenotes of Chicxulub Crater, Yucatan (T)
  34. Route of the Peace and National Identity (T)
  35. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  36. San Francisco Church and Convent (T)
  37. San Juan de Ulua, Site of Memory and Historical Resistances (T)
  38. Santiago de Cuba, sus escenarios históricos (T)
  39. ShuDao (T)
  40. Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
  41. Site of Southern Yue State (T)
  42. Sites for Liquor Making in China (T)
  43. Taihang Mountain (T)
  44. Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia (T)
  45. That Luang de Vientiane (T)
  46. The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads (T)
  47. The Colonial Transisthmian Route of Panamá (Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá) (T)
  48. The Defensive Complex of Valdivia (T)
  49. The Four Sacred Mountains as an Extension of Mt. Taishan (T)
  50. The Old Town of Jakarta (T)
  51. The Padang Civic Ensemble (T)
  52. The Yen Tu Complex of Monuments and Landscapes (T)
  53. Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (T)
  54. University City of Bogotá (T)
  55. Volcan Masaya National Park (T)
  56. Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty - Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County, Main Hall of Fengguo Monastery of Yixian County (T)

Reviewed TWHS